
There's No Secrets This Year

It's amazing to me how quickly I stop writing. I've barely started this blog and im already going to be a once a weeker, i can feel it. I'm going to put in the effort.

Anyways, some exciting things on go. I have made the jump to playing 3/6 (and still 2/4, since getting action is +ev) It's been a successful jump. The play is more agressive, but i was expecting that since ive played 3/6 quite a bit before. I'm making the adjustments that are neccessary.

I also 2 tabled a bit today and the other day... I'm not sure if it's a good deal for me. I sort of have to coast and hope for the best and hope that someone quits me or that i run good against one of them. I end up JUST playing my edfault game and not making read dependent adjustments. For example, i ended up being too foldy against a fish who took advantage of me at some point in the match and started donking everything. I think two tabling is probably not ideal. I can see how it works with no limit since there is a lot more folding, but in limit we see sooo many flops that its hard to deal with it. I think it could be better if I was playing the same villain. But, at that point, i would have to question whether playing someone who is willing to play me on two tables is +ev.

I'm hoping to get a sweat session in with GrantKropf soon.. and also jopeymsboy and I have started talking and I'm hoping to have a sweat with him soon as well.

I am happy that I haven't played any other games right now, since i'm really trying to grind and get a bankroll to start taking shots at 5/10. I really enjoy a bunch of other games, but the only one that i think im a favourite in is o8 full ring. I think i'm probably alright in 6max Limit and a couple other games, but HULHE is going to make me the most money.

Non poker stuff... the BC election is happening on tuesday. I'm pretty confident the party im voting for will not win, but that they will kepp the seats they have +-4 of where they are at. We also are having a referendum on how we vote. We currently use First Past The Post (FPTP) and they want to change to Single Transferable Vote (STV). I'm firmly opposed to this change, but at this point, I kind of want it to pass so we can see what a shitshow it will turn into when we use it. There are a bunch of problems with it, and a bunch of ways that the average voter will either fuck it up or opt out of the voting process completely. Oh well. I'm excited to see the results.

A buddy of mine and I are going to take a tennis lesson on monday, which im pretty excited about. I play squash pretty competitively, and traded a tennis lesson from a really strong tennis player for a squash lesson. I didnt want to do it alone because I'm a little bit stronger than my playing partner, and me getting Even better will make the games less fun. But both of us getting better is obviously +ev for life.


Currently Listening: Silversun Pickups - Swoon
Currently Watching: Game 5 of the Vancouver-Chicago series. go Canucks!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Blake,

    Added your blog to my RSS reader Always interested to read other player's thoughts on poker, but goddamn do I hate you for what you are doing to my eyes with your crappy courier font and red text on black background!

    I hear that white on black provides a nice contrast, and that Arial is a font that statistically results in +ev to monitors everywhere (punching through the LCD of a monitor instantly drops its EV to 0)
