
Screaming Infidelities

"Heads Up Limit Holdem IS about hand selection, as long as you select everything" - TheBryce

I really liked this quote and can be found in Bryce's latest video on stoxpoker

I had a really up and down last few days. I didn't play super well and played too long against villains who I got soft tilted against.

It was a struggle for me because I really want to work on quitting people when I start to feel that frustration coming on after I lose 20 or 30 bets to them.

I decided, in my infinite wisdom, that because I was down about 600 from my peak 4 days ago, that tonight would be the best time to take a shot at 5/10.
It worked out, and I took the game for like 250 in about 60 hands... pretty sweet. It helped me make a big recovery along with back to back 3/6 hands against a decent aggro player (who I felt I had a decent edge on because of some leaks that I was exploiting) where I 3bet JJ pf, got 4bets in on the flop on a 974 board. Once he capped the flop I put him squarely on a 9, since he had just called my 3bet previously with second pair. another 9 rolled off on the turn and i puked a bit and just ch/called. river was a magic Jack and we capped it up on the river.
The very next hand I picked up AA and he 3bet, and sensing that he might be frustrated, I capped immediately. on a QT4 board we capped the flop and then capped the 4 turn. I felt really good about the 4 turn since its so rarely in his range that i was now only losing to QQ and TT, and beating QT and all other hands that he capped for value with on the turn. the river bricked off and i, for somereason, decided on just calling the river and he rolled over KK and probably felt sick to his stomach when i scooped a big pot. he folded from the BB the next hand and quit me.
Awesome stuff.

I don't think he played the second hand wrong, as he had the same thought as me when the 4 rolled off on the turn. but in the first hand capping the river is a mistake. I just don't have that many hands that can bet/3bet the river with the he beats. I think that i have some stronger nines in my range K9 and A9 specifically, and then JJ, occasionally J9 as well, actually. anyways, its a super small range, but I'm probably not going to lose my mind on the river when he is so clearly repping a 9 in a 3bet pot preflop when i announced i had a big hand as well preflop and on the flop.

I listened/watched the second episode of Tommy Angelo's series today and it was really interesting again. I really like hearing about how to think about poker to create a better mindset for my game. It is definitely a series that I will be listening to again. I am hoping to get his book for my birthday in a couple days.

That's all for now on the poker/life front I guess.


Currently Reading: Stalin - Edvard Radzinsky
Currently Listening: Sparta - Wiretap Scars

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