
Bullet To Binary

What it do, What it do.

may is over, which is kinda cool, i guess. I finished my month super strong with my best day ever. I thought a bunch about it and decided not to post results on here any more, since its money and that really shouldnt concern anyone else but me.

suffice to say that I was pleased with the month and how it finished.

I made the jump to 5/10, which has been really good. If I can avoid playing the random decent player that sits down with me, I'll do fine. I'm obviously running well, but I have only had one losing session so far, and it was against a player who was probably exploitable, but the mistakes he was making was in the being agressive side, which isnt ever that bad. I found it hard to deal with his c/r being at 65% and his won money at showdown being 65% as well. thats a deadly combo when you are being agressive as hell and then winning 2/3 pots.

But i survived that experience, and I will learn from it.

Other things that happened since my last blog:
I turned 24. So that was kinda neat. I had to work on my birthday, but i didnt really mind, Melissa brought me dinner, and that was nice. I don't usually make a big deal about my birthday, so when Melissa wanted to go for dinner, on the friday night, that was fine by me. To my surprise, when we got there a bunch of my friends were also there! I had a great night eating German food (schnitzel, ftw) and hanging out with some of the people that I like the most.

I got some good stuff for my birthday, and for the sake of my liking to brag a bit, here it is:
i got some books, notably, Tommy Angelo - Elements of Poker, Nick Grudzien - Winning in Tough Holdem Games, David Skalansky - The Theory of Poker, and then one i picked out from a GC - Charles Mann - 1491
I also got some cloths/golf stuff from my parents, which includes a golf lesson. I'm pretty excited about that. I need to work on my game, since the last time I played for money i got crushed.
I got an electric razor, which i need, since my beard had been getting out of control.
And finally, assuming they ever go on sale, I get a ticket to see Blink 182 in vancouver this summer. For those who don't know, Blink is a band that I have loved and loved for about 5 years, which is after they got super popular and just before they broke up. I was devestated that I would never see them in concert. Now I will.
We also got a new 40 inch tv the other day, which wasnt for my birthday, but was from a GC i got from pokerstars two months ago and we had been waiting for this tv to go on sale, which it did, and we were pretty happy about it.

Umm, so now its June and I need to make some goals, as the turning over of the calender signifies to poker players a sense of rebirth and a chance to start fresh.

I will make my poker goals pretty similar to last month, im sure.

1) 10k plus hands
2) be able to stay at 5/10
3) quit someone who I know I shouldn't be playing when they have only taken 25 bets from me, not when they have taken 60 or 70.
4) get a poker lesson

Life goals

1) finish two books.
2)exercise a couple times.
3) make an effort to eat healthier meals more often and be conscious of my portion size.
4) enjoy the sun and play outside.

That's all I think. I think all of these are attainable.

also: run good for the month, one time!


Currently Listening: Metric - Fantasies

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