
The Dryness & The Rain

I started a new job yesterday which is going to but into my poker grind. I'm disappointed about this, but obviously happy for the steady income.
I am working for the City at the Oliver Woods Community Center as a custodian. I had worked there like 3 days a year ago when it first opened, but I hadnt done anything there since. It's certainly not the most exciting job... and there isnt as much freedom of motion as my last City job, but I can hardly complain for the money and stability that it will offer me in the short term.

The guy who is the 'main' custodian is a really funny old fella who keeps a high standard of what the facility should look like, so I'm going to have to work to keep it looking decent. I have also worked for the manager before, and I've never had any troubles with her - she seems really nice and it sounds like she won't be at our complex very often, as she manages two different ones.

Anyway, after having my best poker day ever, I had a pretty bad downswing and lost all that I won in the last two days. oh poker.

I played one more session after work last night and ran into a guy who dropped 30 bets (of which i took 22 and the rake took 8). He played a very straight forward game and I didnt have to worry about him bluffing me very much. He took the absolute value of his hand too far sometimes which caused him to spew on occasion.. and he was tricky by limp reraising QQ once. But mostly he folded when i would bet to him if he missed, check back flops where he had K or A high... and often folded when bet into. The most difficult thing he did was donk with a somewhat wide range of hands...most of them value, but occasionally junk. He would give up with his junk after one street, so it was easy to take one card off kinda light and then bet and get him to fold.

I was happy that it worked out well that way.

I'm getting excited about the next season of DC. Apparently there is a Danzasmack/DeathDonkey series.. HULHE one time! The only series i've followed there this sesaon has been Five's A Crowd. Passing The Torth (the other limit holdem series) was much too basic for me to get anything out of. Adri's quesionts, while pertinent to her own development, are questions I feel have been talked about before, or that I know intuitively (mostly the former... I rarely know something intuitively).

That's all for now, I think. I hope to get a decent session in today, and I know Grant has today off and was looking to grind a bunch, so i'll have to check on him as well.


Currently Listening: Jimmy Eat World - Stay By My Side Tonight (EP)

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